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Building Digital Presence: Best Construction Websites of 2023 Design

June 15, 20238 min read

As the construction industry becomes more competitive, having a strong digital presence is crucial for companies to stand out.

One of the key components of a digital presence is a well-designed website. A great construction website not only shows off a company's work and services, but also creates a strong brand and attracts new clients. In this article, we will examine the best construction websites of 2023 design and explore the elements that make them successful.

construction website

What makes a great construction website?

The importance of website design

Website design is one of the most important factors in creating a great construction website.

A well-designed site can convey a company's professionalism and expertise, while a poorly-designed website can turn potential clients away. A great website design should be clean and modern, with easy navigation and clear calls to action.

Construction website design trends to watch out for in 2023

Looking ahead to 2023, there are a few trends that will likely shape the construction website design landscape. These include bold typography, mobile-first design, and the use of bold colors and patterns. As construction companies work to stand out online, incorporating these design trends can help set them apart.

The impact of web design on a construction company's brand

A company's website is often one of the first touchpoints a potential client has with that company.

As such, a website's design can have a significant impact on a company's brand. A well-designed website can convey a sense of professionalism and expertise, while a poorly-designed website can do the opposite. By investing in a great construction website design, companies can strengthen their brand and attract new clients.

Top construction websites to inspire your own design

Millbrook Construction

Millbrook Construction is a great example of a construction company website done right. Their website features a clean design with bold, high-resolution images that showcase their work. The site is easy to navigate and includes clear calls-to-action on each page. Overall, the site effectively communicates Millbrook's expertise and professionalism.


CJS is another great example of a construction company website with strong design. The site features bold typography and a black background that lends a sense of sophistication. The homepage includes a background video that showcases CJS's work, and each page includes clean, easy-to-read content. The site's design effectively communicates CJS's expertise and style.


VEC's website is another standout in the construction industry. The site features a modern design with high-resolution images and a focus on the company's services. The site is easy to navigate and includes clear calls-to-action throughout. Overall, VEC's site effectively communicates their expertise and experience.

Key features of a successful construction company website

Web hosting and maintenance

Web hosting and maintenance are crucial elements of a successful construction company website. A reliable hosting provider can ensure your site stays online and functions properly. Additionally, regular maintenance can help prevent issues and ensure your site remains up-to-date and secure.

SEO for construction websites

SEO, or search engine optimisation, is another important element of a successful construction website. By optimising your site's content, structure, and keywords for search engines, you can improve your site's visibility and attract more traffic. Effective SEO strategies can include keyword research, on-page optimisation, and link building.

The importance of a clean and easy navigation

A clean, easy-to-navigate website is crucial for ensuring that visitors can find the information they need quickly and easily. To achieve this, construction company websites should prioritise clear navigation menus and well-organised content. Additionally, including a search function can help visitors find specific information even faster.

Best templates for construction company websites in 2023

Contractor Systems

Ready made templates that just need your company name logo and services added. We even provide you with AI to produce content that can be added to your site.

Pre made templates that work with 5+ pages to show who you are and what you can do. Use our AI to then produce the words to go on your website pages.

Simple but highly effective allowing you to continue on with running your business.

WordPress templates for construction websites

WordPress templates can be a great option for construction companies that want a professional-looking site without the need for a custom design. Some of the top WordPress templates for construction websites include Divi, Construction, and HomeBuilder.

The benefits of a well-designed homepage

For construction websites, the homepage is often the first place visitors land. As such, it's important that the homepage effectively communicates the company's expertise and services. A well-designed homepage should include clear calls-to-action, high-quality images and videos, and a clean layout.

Scrolling vs click-through: which is better for a construction website?

Scrolling and click-through designs are two popular options for construction website layouts. Scrolling layouts allow all information to be displayed on a single page, while click-through designs require visitors to navigate to multiple pages. Ultimately, the best choice will depend on the specific needs and goals of the construction company.

Design elements that make a great construction website

The use of great images and videos

High-quality images and videos are crucial for showcasing a construction company's work and services.

By using clear, professional images and videos, companies can effectively communicate their expertise and attract new clients. Additionally, using images and videos can help break up large blocks of text and make a site more visually engaging.

The impact of font choices on a construction website

An often-overlooked element of website design, font choices can have a significant impact on a construction website's look and feel.

Choosing appropriate fonts that complement a company's brand can help convey a sense of professionalism and expertise. Additionally, using easy-to-read fonts can improve a site's usability.

How to create a strong header for your construction website

The header is one of the most important design elements on a construction website.

A strong header should include the company's logo and navigation menu, as well as a clear tagline that communicates the company's specialty or unique selling point. Additionally, including contact information or a call-to-action in the header can help drive conversions.

In conclusion, a great construction website is critical for any company looking to establish a strong digital presence. By investing in a well-designed site with easy navigation and clear calls-to-action, construction companies can strengthen their brand, attract new clients, and stand out in a competitive industry.


Q: What is website design?

A: Website design is the process of creating the look, layout, and overall user experience of a website.

Q: How important is construction website design?

A: Construction website design is incredibly important in creating a professional and user-friendly online presence for your construction company. It is often the first impression potential clients will have of your business.

Q: Can you recommend any good construction website templates?

A: There are many construction company website templates available online, but it's important to choose one that best fits your company's brand and goals. Take a look at some popular options such as Mosaik Design, Jova Construction, and Hill Construction Co.

Q: What is the role of digital marketing in website design?

A: Digital marketing plays a pivotal role in website design as it ensures your website is optimized for search engines and encourages traffic to your website. By incorporating call-to-actions and social proof, you can target your audience and create more conversions.

Q: How can website hosting impact your construction website?

A: Website hosting not only impacts the speed and performance of your website, but it can also affect its SEO ranking. Choosing a reputable and reliable hosting provider, like CJS or VEC, is crucial to ensuring your website is accessible and fast for all users.

Q: What are some best practices for construction web design?

A: Some best practices for construction web design include incorporating clear navigation, high-quality imagery, and a professional yet straightforward layout. It's also important to make sure your website is mobile-friendly and has a clear brand presence.

Q: What are some examples of the best construction websites on the internet?

A: Some of the best examples of construction websites include those for Mosiak Design, Jova Construction, and ADCO. These companies have effectively incorporated their brand presence, showcased their work, and created a user-friendly experience for their clients.

Q: What is the significance of creating a website that stands out in the construction industry?

A: With increasing competition in the construction industry, it's important to create a website that stands out and effectively showcases your company's unique selling points. A good website can set your company apart and establish trust with potential clients.

Q: How can architects and construction companies benefit from good website design?

A: Architects and construction companies can benefit greatly from good website design as it can create a professional and informative online presence that sets them apart from competitors. It can also attract new leads and strengthen relationships with existing clients.

Q: What makes a good construction website?

A: A good construction website should have a simple design that's easy to navigate, eye-catching imagery, a clear brand presence, and a strong call-to-action. It should also effectively showcase your company's work and expertise in the industry.

Q: How can a construction website increase its traffic and conversions?

A: By incorporating SEO best practices, clear call-to-actions, and showcasing social proof, a construction website can increase its traffic and conversions. It's also important to ensure your website is mobile-friendly and responsive to all users.

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